The Book

Time to Soar
Word Dances and Bird Songs for Every Season
Written by Katie Bruckbauer, dancer-poet,
illustrated by Mary Jo Savageau
This delightfully profound and whimsical book of poetry explores the human condition with “word dances and bird songs,” taking readers on a spiritual journey through the seasons of life with all its messiness, mirth, melancholy, mystery, and miracle. While each poem is a gem in itself, reading the book cover to cover allows you to capture the full essence of the messages it holds.
Although written during the Covid-19 pandemic, Time to Soar is universal and timeless, relevant for anyone working through hardship, upheaval, grief, or loss of any kind, or for anyone who might delight in raising their awareness of and celebrating the birds around us. A host of these fine-feathered friends serve as guides, bringing messages of hope, joy, love, peace and healing. They remind us to look outside ourselves and out our windows to see what nature offers to nurture our souls and give us joy.
Written by a dancer-poet, the intimate and embodied poetry in Time to Soar is accessible to all, young and old alike. The thought-provoking and playful poems, with their rhythm, rhyme, and beautiful illustrations, engage the whole self – body, mind, and spirit. They will soar off the pages into your heart!